Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Airsoft Sniper

Here are my thoughts about to be a great Airsoft Sniper.

There are some essential elements to a top Airsoft sniper. The right equipment is one of the largest, but also a knowledge of camouflage, escape and evasion, and target acquisition are even more to gain in importance as a skirmish airsoft sniper. We will help some of the basics in the following article to help beginners airsoft leader in the world of snipers.

As equipment goes, is the first step to succeed a good photographs. A good Airsoft sniper rifle should have a muzzle velocity of at least 400 fps. No less than that, and you will not have the firepower to the long-range kills, and make the mission to useless as a sniper in the battle. There are many types of weapons, be like a sniper, but a spring gun is the best choice, I hope a bolt action, as they will be more consistent. An electric gun will tend to speed the transmission with a higher SPF feather wear and are generally less precise, a gas gun is good, but you must remember, cool-down effect and the effect of temperature on the growth rate of the gas, therefore can affect the fps, range and accuracy.

The next piece of equipment that is essential for a sniper Proficient is a range of high quality. Bushnell is very good glasses. A 3-9x40 is a classic choice. Bipods are very useful to help with accuracy, if you are not a good place to take your weapon with a pack or something similar to hang. If you already airsoft in the world of games, you will probably be a good set of camouflage, but as a sniper, you need a ghillie suit. A ghillie suit allows you to natural foliage, instead of grass, twigs, etc in the color, so you can fit in your environment. You can from the resources at the end of this article are listed to be acquired.

Other equipment you need for a second handgun, preferably a good airsoft gun includes. Do you have a gun will not survive if you can not be found, and with your sniper rifle for protection. Binoculars, radio system, bulletproof vests, ammunition, high quality are some other elements that sniper kit. Learn to use all, so you will not be a disadvantage if you have in combat.

When you get on the ramp down hours at a time, are food and water in a backpack, but leaves no evidence, such as packaging or bottles on the floor. Nothing will give you much more easily than the old garbage you forgot to pack. They must learn the art of camouflage. Move slowly, be sure to see the enemy. It is the most important step! You need to take time to explore the surrounding area. Rather than on things such as trees or shrubs, keep them for a good hiding place or place of collection. Get comfortable in all situations and weather conditions. You need to know how to get in the woods and open fields, hills and trees snipe. In addition, become familiar with ghillie suit you change to adjust the terrain.

While airsofting, stay low and slow movement is the motto of snipers. Set up an ambush or to choose ahead of the enemy. The best position for a sniper is about who you are lurking hidden most, but an alternative is in a very dense areas. Is, if you have a clear goal. Do not reveal your whole silhouette, profiles are harder to see. Have you ever planned an escape route in advance so that you stay away if you discovered by accident.

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